
Passion Projects



Continuity is expanding diversity in media production through skills-based training, mentoring and opportunities for untapped talent. They envision a future where our media, film, and broadcasting industries reflect the diversity of the neighborhoods they document, starting first in St. Louis. Speak Up Productions founder Dan Parris is also co-founder of Continuity.

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In Motion Filmmaking Conference

In Motion is the Midwest region's premier filmmaking conference.

This one day workshop affords both novice and professional filmmakers the opportunity to learn from industry experts, network with peers, and create synergy in the Midwest film industry. In 2019, we had over 230 attendees and 25+ speakers. We are currently working on our next conference in late 2023.


Your 2 Questions (Y2Q)

Y2Q was created to be both a call to action after viewing one of our films but also to fill the gap of how to focus your efforts of making a difference in the world. Our hope is that these two simple questions: What Breaks Your Heart? & What Makes You Come Alive? will provide a simple structure you can use to help find your purpose in this world.

Visit for more info.

This is a pilot for a web series we created around the idea of Y2Q. The series is currently seeking funding/sponsorship to do further episodes.